Friday, September 15, 2006


The great popsicle experiment of September 2006

Max, drunk from MILK!

Awww JULIA, you are just SO DARN CUTE!

Julia kissing Max on the forehead....awwww.just as a FUTURE wife would! :)

"Dream come true" week. Mommy's best friend Jen, and her beautiful daughter Julia...aka Max's future wife! We love you guys!!!!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Max, enjoying a tasty popsicle.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I like the phone.

Yeah, me too. Ok, so I'll give you a call later.

Paddington and Max, camping out.

Hey, where's the prize?

Max, mid-noodle carnage.

Mmmmmm, noodles!